
Fault Tolerance
Keeps data available and server running while a failed drive is being replaced; several fault tolerance
configurations are supported including:
RAID 6 with ADG
(Advanced Data Guarding): This is the highest level of fault tolerance. It allocates
two sets of parity data across drives and allows simultaneous write operations. This level of fault
tolerance can withstand two simultaneous drive failures without downtime or data loss.
RAID 6+0
: Supported with min of 8 drives, but would have 4 available. Target benefit is to split RAID
across the external boxes
RAID 6, 6+0 can be enabled with either
Minimum of 256 MB cache with Battery kit and Smart Array Advanced Pack License key option
Minimum of 512 MB BBWC or FBWC and Smart Array Advanced Pack License key option
(Distributed Data Guarding): This allocates one set of parity data across drives and allows
simultaneous write operations. This level of fault tolerance can withstand a single drive failure
without downtime or data loss.
RAID5 is available on the SA P411 with a minimum of 256MB cache
RAID 5+0
: This is a RAID 0 array striped across 5 elements. Combines the straight block-level
striping of RAID 0 with the distributed parity of RAID 5.
Drive Mirroring
(RAID 1, 1+0): This allocates half of the drive array to data and the other half to
mirrored data, providing two copies of every file. It is a high-performance RAID.
Fault Recovery
Minimizes downtime, reconstructs data, and facilitates a quick recovery from drive failure
Recovery ROM: This new feature provides a unique redundancy feature that protects from a ROM
image corruption. A new version of firmware can be flashed to the ROM while the controller
maintains the last known working version of firmware. If the firmware becomes corrupt, the
controller will revert back to the previous version of firmware and continue operating. This reduces
the risk of flashing firmware to the controller.
On-Line Spares: There is no limit to the number of spare drives that can be installed prior to drive
failure. If a failure occurs, recovery begins with an On-Line Spare and data is reconstructed
DRAM ECC corrects against single bit data and address corruption.
Battery-backed write cache upgrade provides for up to two days of battery power for data cache
retention. The data backup duration could be extended anytime the server's auxiliary power is
available during system power down.
Flash Backed Write Cache upgrade provides indefinite data retention.
Ease of Use
Consistency and Upgradeability make the Smart Array family unique in the industry:
GUI based configuration, management and diagnostic software tools
Common data format between generations of products
Data migration between servers and external HP Modular Smart Array enclosures and HP Disk
HP Smart Array P411 Controller
Standard Features
DA - 13202 Worldwide — Version 25 — November 1, 2013
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