1-6 Getting started
Shifted keystrokes
There are two shift keys that you use to access the operations
and characters printed above the keys:>6+,)7@ and >$/3+$@.
HELPWITH The HP 39G built-in help is available in HOME only. It
provides syntax help for built-in math functions.
Access the HELPWITH command by pressing >6+, )7@
and then the math key for which you require syntax help.
Example Press๎>6+,)7@
>[๎@ >(17(5@
Note: Remove the left parenthesis from built-in
commands such as sine, cosine, and tangent before
invoking the HELPWITH command.
Key Description
>6+,)7@ Press the >6+,)7@ key to access the
operations printed in blue above the
keys. For instance, to access the Modes
screen, press >6+,)7@, then press >+20(@.
MODES is labelled in blue above the
>+20(@ key). You do not need to hold
down >6+,)7@ when you press HOME.
This action is depicted in this manual as
โpress >6+,)7@
To cancel a shift, press >6+,)7@ again.
>$/3+$@ The alphabetic keys are also shifted
keystrokes. For instance, to type Z, press
>$/3+$@Z. (The letters are printed in
orange to the lower right of each key.)
To cancel Alpha, press >$/3+$@ again.
For a lower case letter, press
For a string of letters, hold down
>$/3+$@ while typing.