1394 port, identifying 14
Accessory battery connector
identifying 17
Accessory battery connector door
identifying 17
Ambient light sensor, identifying
AMT options 93
AMT setup prompt (Ctrl-P) 93
firmware progress event
support 93
firmware verbosity 93
initiate Intel CIRA 93
terminal emulation mode 93
unconfigure AMT on next
boot 93
USB key provisioning support
disconnecting 52, 53
Anti Theft 88
audio board
removal 76
spare part number 76
audio cable, illustrated 25
audio connector board
spare part number 22
audio, product description 2
audio-in (microphone) jack,
identifying 12
audio-out (headphone) jack,
identifying 12
backing up files 97
Backup and Restore 97, 98
base enclosure, spare part
number 22
removal 43
spare part number 23, 29,
30, 43
battery bay 17
battery light 8
battery release latch 17
BIOS administrator password 88
Bluetooth cable, illustrated 25
Bluetooth compartment
identifying 11
Bluetooth module
removal 72
spare part number 22, 29, 72
boot options 90
boot order 90
built-in device
Ambient Light Sensor 92
audio devices 92
Bluetooth device radio 92
fingerprint reader 92
integrated camera 92
internal speakers 92
LAN/WLAN switching 92
microphone 92
modem 92
Network Interface Controller
(LAN) 92
Power Monitor Circuit 92
Wake on LAN 92
wireless button 92
WLAN device radio 92
WWAN device radio 92
built-in device options 92
left TouchPad 6
pointing stick 6
right TouchPad 6
volume down 9
volume mute 9
volume up 9
Cable Kit
contents 25
spare part number 25
service considerations 36
caps lock light, identifying 7
Charge level indicator
identifying 17
chipset, product description 1
bottom 17
display 14
front 11
left side 13
rear 16
right side 12
top 6
computer feet
locations 41
spare part number 41
Computer Setup
File menu 87
navigating and selecting 85
restoring factory settings 86
Security menu 88
System Configuration menu 90
computer specifications 94
connector, power 16
connectors, service
considerations 36
creating a backup 97
ctrl+alt+del button
identifying 16
device configurations 90
disk sanitizer 89
display assembly
removal 66
spare part numbers 20, 66
display hinge cover, illustrated 24
display panel
product description 1
display release latch 11
display specifications 95
Docking connector
identifying 17
docking station, spare part
number 27
docking support, product
description 3