
This manual shows items from the scrolling menus and features as they
are displayed (uppercase, lowercase, or initial capitals) with the selected
item shown in bold type for clarification. For example:
FONT FEED LAYOUT or offsetX offsetY
4.2.2 Displaying Menu Values
Menu values are scrolled to the right and left using and and are
displayed with the associated feature, for example:
i/f RS232C
When you scroll through the values, the currently selected value is always
displayed first and is denoted by an equal sign (=) between the feature and
value, for example:
i/f =R
4.3 Printer Configuration Memory
Printer configuration uses four types of memory: an operating memory that
contains the currently selected values, and three storage memories in which
values are stored or saved. These memories are known as ROM (read-
only memory), RAM (random-access memory), and NVRAM (nonvolatile
random-access memory).
NOTE: All four types of printer configuration memory are separate and
distinct from the Free RAM listed on Test Print A. Configuration memory
can be accessed only from the menus to set up the operational parameters of
the printer.
You can save new values temporarily in RAM, but they are cleared when
the printer is powered off. You can also save new values in NVRAM so that
they are not cleared if the printer is reset or powered off. ROM contains
the factory default values that can be recalled into the operating memory.
Some values can be saved only in RAM or only in NVRAM, while other
values can be saved in either type of memory. For a listing of the types of
memory in which values can be saved, see Table 4–7.
Printer Configuration 4–5