ENWW Printing preferences tabs using PCL 5e printer drivers in Windows 2000 and XP 75
First Page Only This control box becomes available when text other
than (none) is shown in the Watermarks drop-down
Selecting this check box enables the printer to print
the specified watermark on only the first page of the
document. No watermarks are printed on the second
and subsequent pages.
Edit Click Edit to open the Watermark Details screen. N/A
Watermark Details
Current Watermarks This control lists the available watermarks.
The watermark that is highlighted in this list box also
shows up as alterable text in the Watermark
Message control.
New Clicking this button allows you to create a new
watermark by highlighting the (Untitled) option and
allowing you to type in text for your new watermark.
This text then appears in the Current Watermarks
Delete Clicking this button allows you to delete the selected
watermark from the Current Watermarks list.
Watermark Message Allows you to change the text of any highlighted
watermark listed in the Current Watermarks list.
Message Angle This control consists of three options and a spin box:
! Diagonal
Selecting this option causes the selected
watermark to print diagonally on the page.
! Horizontal
Selecting this option causes the selected
watermark to print horizontally on the page.
! Angle
Selecting this option enables the spin box, which
you can use to choose the angle of the
watermark on the printed page.
Font Attributes group
Name Clicking a font name from this drop-down list
specifies which font to use for the selected
The supported font options consist of all the installed
fonts on the computer.
Default font for the
Color Gray is the only supported color option. Gray
Effects tab (continued)
Field Description Default