3. Turn the wheel around and repeat loosening pro-
cedure on the other side of the wheel. This should be
the long side of the drop center.
Tip: It will be easier to clamp the wheel to the table
top if the lower bead is loosened last.
4. Apply tire manufacturer’s approved rubber lubri-
cant liberally to entire circumference of both tire beads
after loosening (figure 3).
Figure 3 - Apply Rubber Lubricant to Tire Beads.
5. Next, observe the rim size from the tire, i.e. 15,
16, 17, etc. Turn the clamping screw to move the
clamps in the proper position (slightly wider than the
rim bead). It may be necessary to relocate the clamps
on the clamp carriers. Be sure each clamp is in the
same position before prelocating the clamps.
6. Determine the mounting side of the wheel. The
mounting side is the narrow side of the drop center
(tire removed in figure 4 for clarity).
Figure 4 - Determining Mounting Side of Wheel (note that
many motorcycle rims are symmetrical).
7. Using the tabletop locking knob (see letter G,
pages iv and v), lock the tabletop in place. This will
make mounting the tire/wheel assembly easier and
more positive. The tabletop has locking holes 90-
degrees apart that the knob engages; it is not friction
lock. Place tire/wheel assembly on table top with
mounting side up (figure 5). Rotate the clamping screw
clockwise to move the clamps inward or crank coun-
terclockwise to move the clamps outward. Clamp
motorcycle and ATV wheels from the outside (clamps
push inward against the outside rim edge). Place rim
flange into rear clamp and slowly move the other
clamps inward until they contact the rim. Observe
closely to prevent tire/wheel damage. If clamps are
properly positioned and the tire/wheel assembly is
secure, loosen the tabletop locking knob and proceed.
Figure 5 - Place Tire/Wheel Assembly on Table Top
Figure 6 - Rotate Clamping Screw to Move Clamps Into Position
8. Move the swing arm into position. Pull the locking
handle forward to release the slide. Push down on the
top of the vertical slide to move the demount head into
contact with the rim edge. Push the locking handle
back to lock the slide into
place. As the slide is locked,
the mount/demount head
will move upward approxi-
mately 1/8-inch from the
rim edge.
Note: On plastic duck-
heads, the upward move-
ment should be limited to
1/16-inch maximum.
Figure 7 - Position Mount/Demount Tool
9.The Duckhead
roller should be in contact with the
rim edge. Turn the swing arm adjusting knob to move
the head away from the rim 1/8 to 1/4-inch. On expen-
sive and polished rims, it is recommended a plastic
bootie (p/n 8183373) be used over the duckhead roller.
Important: Always read and follow the operating instructions. • 3
Motorcycle ATV
Narrow Side
Long Side
Drop Center
Motorcycle ATV
Clamping Screw
Motorcycle ATV