
7. Backlighting
Set backlight options.
Backlight Mode: Set the backlight mode: Default, Power-Saving, or User. The rest of the options are only available when
User is selected.
Backlight: Set the duration and brightness of the backlight. Time: 5sec, 10sec, 20sec, 30sec, or 1min. Brightness: Normal,
Lighter, or Dark.
Backlight When Closed: Set the backlight duration when the flip is closed: 5sec, 10sec, 20sec, 30sec, or 1min.
Keypad Light Time: Set the keypad light duration: 5sec, 10sec, 20sec, 30sec, or 1min.
In idle mode, p
ress , s
elect Setup, select 2. Display, then select 7. Backlighting.