Metro / Legacy Series
True Convection
Convection means conveying. In convection
cooking the heat from a dedicated convection
element is circulated by a fan. The circulating hot
air penetrates food faster than motionless air in a
standard oven. This means food surfaces are
cooked on all sides sealing in natural juices and
flavour. It is important to use the baking sheets
supplied. Do not cover foods with foil. Do not
block the air circulation fan at the rear of the
oven. Thus you can sometimes cook at a lower
temperature by reducing amounts of energy used
and sometimes cook in a shorter time.
Refer to Appendix “A” for temperature and
cooking times.
Convection Roasting
This method of cooking uses hot air from the
convection element, and is similar to rotisserie
cooking, where heat is applied quickly and
evenly around the meat, but instead of rotating,
hot air circulates the meat. Lock rack into
position on broiler pan. Place the cut of meat
directly on roasting / broiler rack supplied.
Poultry may be placed breast down for the first
half of the cycle then turned over, this keeps the
breast moist. Other meats should be placed on
the rack, fat side up, and usually do not require
Refer to Appendix “A” for temperature and
cooking times.
Convection Air Pattern
Diagram shows how heat is circulated from
the convection fan, distributing heat evenly
around the food, during the cooking process.
(fig 15)
Convection Broil
Convection broil is combining the direct heat of
the broiler element with the fan circulating the hot
air. The hot air creates a seal on all sides of the
food and sometimes turning foods may not be
Convection Bake
Convection Bake is combining the direct heat of
the bake element with the fan circulating the hot
air. A more intense heat at the bottom of the oven
perfect for that flaky pastry or great tasting pizza.
Sabbath Mode
Designed for use on The Jewish Sabbath and
Holidays - which require the oven to be turned
on for a prolonged period of time - this feature
allows the oven to be set at a temperature of less
than 300F and can remain “on” for a duration of
up to 80 hours. As a safety feauture, the oven
will shut off automatically after 80 hours.