
Cleaning Instructions (cont.)
IMPORTANT! Do not get coffee grounds in coffee tank.
Coffee Tank and Filter Basket:
Coffee tank, drip tray, stainless steel
rack, and filter basket should be
washed in hot, soapy water. Drip tray,
stainless steel rack, and filter basket
may be washed on the top rack of the
dishwasher. Do not clean coffee tank
in dishwasher.
Remove Coffee Stains from
Coffee Tank:
Follow directions on any commercially-
available coffeemaker cleaner/
descaler intended for home use.
Clean Coffee Tank Filter:
Lift up on filter to remove it from coffee
tank. Rinse filter
under stream of
water to flush filter
The filter snaps back into position over
the seal in
coffee tank.
To order replac-
ment filters:
1-800-851-8900 (U.S.)
1-800-267-2826 (Canada)
or online: hbaccessories.com
Clean Coffee Grounds or Foreign
Matter from Coffee Tank:
Over sink, turn coffee tank upside-down
then press lever and flush with water for
30 seconds to remove coffee grounds.
Test for drips or leaks from coffee tank:
fill coffee tank with water and hold cof-
fee tank over sink. If coffee tank drips or
leaks, reflush coffee tank to remove
coffee grounds.
If tank continues to drip or leak water,
check seal inside coffee tank. Seal
must be flush with bottom of tank. If
tank continues to drip or leak water
from coffee tank, call us for more help.
Seal Replacement
To Remove Seal:
1. Turn empty coffee tank upside
down and
press lever.
This will push
up seal inside
coffee tank,
making it easier
to peel off seal.
2. While still pressing lever, turn coffee
tank upright.
3. Lift edge of seal and pull off post.
(Continued on next page)
Bottom of
Coffee Tank
Inside of
Coffee Tank
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