
Adjusting your new bike
Adjusting the damping (optional)
Your Street Machine GT comes standard with
a suspension element of which the springs can
be exchanged and the pre-load adjusted.The
damping in this suspension element is set to a
fixed rate.
As an upgrade option a rear suspension ele-
ment with separately adjustable compression
and rebound damping is available. In addition
to this the suspension element has a bigger gas
volume in the damper that leads to better sus-
pension performance due to lower pressure
and thus less stiction of the piston.
By adjusting the damping you can adjust the
performance of the suspension precisely to
your individual riding situation.A rough street
with many harsh bumps that occur in a row or
even cobblestones needs a low damping rate
while a road with long stretched bumps that
occur more regularly needs a stronger dam-
ping to achieve a smooth road holding.
When you add a lot of luggage you will need
to adjust the spring stiffness; in that case an
adjustment of the damping may even give you
more riding comfort.
Finally, the oil used in the damper becomes
thicker and more viscous at lower temperatu-
res, which can be compensated through a
change in the damper setting.
Please note that you can seriously spoil the ri-
ding comfort through a bad damper setting, es-
pecially through unsystematic playing with the
knobs that may result in much to high damper
values. In the worst case the suspension ele-
ment will neither compress nor decompress. If
you are in doubt please consult your local dea-
Adjusting the compression damping
In order to adjust the compression damping
turn the knob on the downside of the suspen-
sion element, when you look in driving direc-
tion it is at the front of the suspension ele-
You get minimum damping when you turn the
knob as far as it will go, when you look at the
knob from the underside turn it clockwise.
When you unscrew it the damping increases,
the compression movement is slower, the
damping gets harder.
Suspension element DV-22 with fixed damping rate.
Suspension element ST8ARC with adjustable damping and piggy-
back gas tank.