
Network name (SSID)
The network name (SSID – service set identifier) is the term used for
the identification of a wireless network that is based on IEEE 802.11.
Every wireless LAN has a configurable SSID, which uniquely identi-
fies the wireless network.
The character sequence of the network name can be up to 32 char-
acters in length. If is configured in the base station (access point) of
a wireless LAN and set on all clients which access it.
Network mask
The network mask or net mask, also sometimes referred to as subnet
mask is a bit mask that separates an IP address into a network part
and a device/host part. It is used in IP networks to make routing
Private IP address
Private IP address belong to particular IP address ranges that are
not routed in the Internet. The can be used by anybody for private
networks such as LANs.
Many computer networks require complete connectivity at IP level,
but only limited access to the Internet. If such a computer network has
a private IP address range, it forms an intranet which cannot be
accessed from the Internet as the Internet routers ignore private
address ranges. A gateway or router that is placed in this private
network and which also has a public address in the Internet as well
as a private IP address, makes the connection to the Internet. This
can be performed by a proxy or using NAT/PAT/Masquerading.
As the used address range can only be seen within the private net-
work, the same range can also be used in other private networks.
The unique nature of an IP address required by the Internet protocol,
is ensured by this restricted visibility.
Proxy server
A proxy or proxy server is a service program for computer networks
that administers data transfer. It makes data transfer faster, can also
increase security by implementing access control mechanisms.
The transfer is conducted between computers or programs in com-
puter networks. On the server side, the proxy acts as a client, on the
client side it acts as a server.