Figure 5. Installing connection collar.
6. Install connection collar around collection
flange and collector body outlet, as shown in
Figure 5.
Note: You will need to pull connection collar
apart slightly to get it around flange and col-
lector body outlet.
5. Wrap electrical tape or duct tape around
seam to provide seal (see Figure 4).
Figure 4. Electrical tape wrapped around seam
between collection flange and outlet.
3. Attach short foam strip to mating surface of
collection flange (see Figure 2).
Note: In order to prevent leaks, you may have
to cut strip into multiple pieces to obtain the
necessary curve and achieve a consistent,
uniform seal with no gaps.
Figure 2. Flange gasket attached to collection
4. Mount collection flange onto collector body
outlet (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. Mounting connection flange.
Short Foam