
Router Installation
     
      
Important: When deciding how to orient the
router in relation to the router table, take into
account access to the router controls, such as
depth adjustment knobs, lock levers/knobs, and
the power switch.
To install your router onto the mounting
1. 
2.       
Figure 10
Figure 11.
3.        
4.    
5.         
        
6. 
7. 
       
  
8. 
  
Figure 11
Note: There are multiple circles in the under-
neath surface of the mounting board to aid in
centering the router base as a template.
If the router unexpectedly moves or the rout-
er bit contacts the table insert or fence dur-
ing operation, serious personal injury could
result from the router bit or flying debris.
ALWAYS make sure that the router is firmly
secured to the router table mounting board
before beginning operation.
9.       
       
Figure 10.