-16- G0562 3 HP Dust Collector
Collection Bag
Components and Hardware Needed: Qty
Clear Collection Bag ..........................................2
Metal Belt Clamp................................................2
Narrow Foam Strip ............................................2
Tools Needed:
Wrench or Socket 10mm....................................1
To assemble the canister:
1. Secure the narrow foam strip around the out-
side bottom rim of the collector ring and trim
the excess.
2. Hook the clear collection bag on the hooks
around the bottom of the collector. (Figure
Figure 15. Trimmed foam strip.
2. Trim the excess foam strip so the ends come
together evenly as shown in Figure 15.
Figure 16. Installing canister handle.
Figure 17. Installed canister.
3. Install the canister handle onto the top of the
canister filter by tightening the bolt against
the flat of the shaft (Figure 15).
4. Place the canister filter on top of the collec-
tor ring.
5. Position the metal belt clamp around the bot-
tom of the canister so it will compress around
the foam strip (Figure 17).
6. Repeat steps 1-5 for the other canister.