H8170/H8171 Hydraulic/Electric Log Splitter
Review the troubleshooting and procedures in this section to fix or adjust your machine if a problem devel-
ops. If you need replacement parts or you are unsure of your repair skills, then feel free to call our Technical
Support at (570) 546-9663.
Operation Tshooting
Symptom Possible Cause Possible Solution
Machine does not
start or a breaker
1. Plug/receptacle is at fault or wired incor-
Power supply is at fault/switched OFF.
3. Motor ON/OFF switch is at fault.
4. Wiring is open/has high resistance.
5. Start capacitor faulty.
6. Motor is at fault.
1. Test for good contacts; correct the wiring.
2. Ensure hot lines have correct voltage on all legs and
main power supply is switched ON.
3. Replace faulty ON/OFF switch.
4. Check for broken wires or disconnected/corroded
connections, and repair/replace as necessary.
5. Test/repair/replace.
6. Test/repair/replace.
Machine stalls or is
1. Plug/receptacle is at fault.
Excessively long extension cord.
3. Motor bearings are at fault.
4. Machine is undersized for the task.
5. Motor has overheated.
6. Motor is at fault.
1. Test for good contacts; correct the wiring.
2. Move splitter closer to the power supply.
3. Test by rotating shaft; rotational grinding/loose shaft
requires bearing replacement.
4. Stop operation.
5. Clean off motor, let cool, and reduce workload.
6. Test/repair/replace.
Machine has
vibration or noisy
1. Motor or component is loose.
2. Motor fan is rubbing on fan cover.
3. Dirt in motor fan enclosure
1. Inspect/replace stripped or damaged bolts/nuts, and
re-tighten with thread locking fluid.
2. Replace dented fan cover; replace loose/damaged
Clean, reassemble.
Electric motor
operating properly
but the hydraulic
ram won’t split logs.
1. Bleeder screw closed.
Hydraulic fluid low.
3. Hydraulic system damaged or fluid is leak-
1. Open screw two full turns.
2. Check fluid level, add fluid.
3. Repair/replace damaged parts.
Ram works, but logs
are hard to split.
1. Log unsuitable: twisted grain, high moisture
heavily knotted.
2. Splitting wedge is dull.
3. Splitting wedge is damaged.
1. Don’t attempt to split unsuitable logs.
2. Sharpen wedge.
3. Stop operations/repair wedge.
Ram does not
retract properly.
1. Debris lodged in the ram return path or in
return springs.
2. Damaged seals in hydraulic system.
1. Clear debris.
2. Repair/replace damaged parts.