G1028Z/G1029Z Dust Collector
The Model G1028Z/G1029Z can be operated as
either a stationary or a mobile unit. There are
advantages and disadvantages to both set-ups.
The advantage of the mobile system is eliminating
the cost of many ducts and fittings. On the other
hand, the stationary system is more versatile and
If using the Model G1028Z/G1029Z as a central
dust collector system, put the dust collector in an
out of the way location such as a corner or sepa
rate room. The dust collector is capable of collect
ing dust from up to two machines running simul
taneously. Grizzly offers a complete line of dust
collection accessories for setting up a stationary
system. Additionally, Grizzly offers a complete
guide book entitled Dust Collection Basics.
Whatever system you choose, always make sure
there are no open flames or pilot lights in the
same room as the dust collector. There is a risk of
explosion if dust is dispersed into the air.
Duct Material
You have many choices regarding main line and
branch line duct material. For best results, use
metal duct for the main line and branch lines, then
use a short lengths of flexible hose to connect
each machine to the branch lines.
Plastic duct is also a popular material for home
shops. However, be aware that there is a fire or
explosion hazard if plastic duct material is used
for dust collection without being grounded against
static electrical charge build-up. This topic will be
discussed later in this section. Another problem
with using plastic is that it is less efficient per foot
than metal.
Metal Duct
Advantages of metal duct is its conductivity and
that it does not contribute to static electrical
charge build-up. However, static charges are still
produced when dust particles strike other dust
particles as they move through the duct. Since
metal duct is a conductor, it can be grounded quite
easily to dissipate any static electrical charges.
Figure 14. Examples of metal pipe and
Always guard against
static electrical build up
by grounding all dust col
lection lines.