Model G0766 (Mfd. Since 07/15)
Figure 48. Model T21771 Woodturning DVD: A
Foundation Course.
T21771—Woodturning : A Foundation Course
Designed to improve your turning skills, this DVD
provides basic turning techniques and practices in
detailed step-by-step demonstrations you can fol-
low along with. Topics include suitable workpiece
and tool selection, copy turning, turning between
centers of faceplate, sanding and fine finishing,
and maintaining and edge on your tools.
Figure 50. Model G9278 16" Stainless Steel
G9274—6" Stainless Steel Outside Calipers
G9275—8" Stainless Steel Outside Calipers
G9276—10" Stainless Steel Outside Calipers
G9277—12" Stainless Steel Outside Calipers
G9278—16" Stainless Steel Outside Calipers
Spring Calipers with quick adjustment nut provide
fast determination of external measurements.
Ideal for physically transferring dimensions from
originals. Five different sizes allow you to match
the best caliper for your shop needs.
Figure 51. Models H5884–H5887 Pencil
H5884—8" Pencil Divider
H5885—10" Pencil Divider
H5886—12" Pencil Divider
H5887—16" Pencil Divider
Transfer precise distances for highly accurate
layouts. Bisect angles for precise angle mea-
surements. Steel legs with fine points scribe
most materials. Pencil holder converts dividers
to a compass. Knurled knob locks dividers from
0–90°. Size indicates leg lengths.
T10117—Big Mouth Dust Hood with Stand
Capture dust from any machine operation with
this Big Mouth Dust Hood. Simply attach a 4" dust
collection hose and adjust the hood right where
you need it. The free standing base eliminates
complicated machine set-ups and the tilting 16
x 12
⁄8" hood adjusts from 23" to 43" high. Every
shop needs one of these!
Figure 49. Model T10117 Big Mouth Dust Hood.
order online at www.grizzly.com or call 1-800-523-4777