Test Run and
Spindle Break-in
The Model G0619 spindle speed can be set
from 100–1750 RPM. You must follow the proper
break-in procedures to ensure the spindle bear
ings break-in and seat before putting any milling
load on the machine.
To test run and break-in the spindle bearings:
1. Do all lubrication procedures highlighted in
Lubrication in Section 6: MAINTENANCE
on Page 25.
2. Make sure there are no obstructions around
or underneath the spindle.
3. Remove the drawbar if there is no arbor or
collet in the spindle.
4. Make sure all switches are OFF and connect
the mill/drill to the power source
5. Turn the main power switch ON, and push
the START button on the control panel. The
spindle will begin to turn at a low RPM.
6. Now push the + button until the mill/drill
reaches approximately 600 RPM, then let it
run for a minimum of 10 minutes.
—If you suspect the mill/drill is not working cor
rectly, shut the mill/drill
OFF , disconnect it
from power, and use the
table on
Page 26 to correct the problem
before proceeding further.
—If the mill/drill is running smoothly, proceed
to Step 7.
Failure to follow start up and spindle break-
in procedures will likely cause rapid deteri
oration of spindle and other related parts.
7. Increase the speed to 1000 RPM and let it
run for another ten minu
8. Increase the speed to 1750 RPM and let it
run for another ten minu
9. Turn the mill/drill OFF.
10. Set the spindle to rotate in the opposite direc-
tion, and let it run at 1750 RPM for another
ten minu
DO NOT leave the area while break-in pro-
cedure is under way. You must be ready to
stop the machine if any problem occurs.
Figure 9. Control panel.