
G0573 Two Speed Floor Air Filter
Cleaning the Filters
To maintain optimal operation, the filters in the
Two Speed Floor Air Filter should be checked
and cleaned or replaced regularly depending
on usage. We recommend checking the primary
filter and pre-filter once a month or more often
if usage is high. Always wear a respirator when
checking the filters.
To check, clean or replace the filters:
1. Disconnect power to the air filter.
2. Disengage the latches and swing open the
front door.
3. Remove the pre-filter, place it inside a trash
bag, and gently shake the dust from the fil
Use a respirator when
cleaning or changing fil
ters. Dust will become
airborne creating a respi
ratory hazard. For safe-
ty, run the air filter for
at least 6 minutes while
wearing the respirator
after cleaning.
To avoid personal injury,
disconnect power to air
filter when performing
any adjustments, clean
ing or maintenance.
The primary air filter is heavy and could
cause injuries if it drops on your feet. Use
care when sliding it out of the air filter
Note—The pre-filter can be washed with
water to remove the last of the dust and help
maximize its filtering effect. DO NOT use
compressed air to clean the pre-filter, as it
may get damaged and lose its filtering capa
4. Be sure the pre-filter is completely dry before
re-installing it into the air filter.
5. Slide the primary air filter out of the air filter
6. Slide a new primary air filter into the air filter
cabinet, shut the door and engage the latch
During regular use, the pre-filter can be cleaned
several times before it needs to be replaced. It
is important to look for holes in the pre-filter that
would reduce the filtering effect. Please see the
current Grizzly catalog for replacement informa