
Like all power tools, there is danger asso-
ciated with the Model G0505 Planer.
Accidents are frequently caused by lack of
familiarity or failure to pay attention. Use
this tool with respect and caution to lessen
the possibility of operator injury. If normal
safety precautions are overlooked or
ignored, serious personal injury may occur.
No list of safety guidelines can be complete.
Every shop environment is different. Always
consider safety first, as it applies to your
individual working conditions. Use this and
other machinery with caution and respect.
Failure to do so could result in serious per-
sonal injury, damage to equipment or poor
work results.
Additional Safety Instructions For The
Portable Planer
6. Position yourself so you do not get caught
(pinned) between the lumber and another
obstruction during the planing operation.
Also, ensure that there is sufficient clear-
ance for the material on the outfeed side of
the planer.
7. Keep hands and fingers away from moving
parts and away from the infeed and outfeed
section of the planer. DO NOT reach into
the machine at any time for any reason
without first turning the power switch off,
pulling the electrical plug and after the
machine has come to a full stop.
8. Any glued-up stock must be completely set
up and dry before planing.
9. Never leave the planer running unattended.
10. Habits – good and bad – are hard to break.
Develop good habits in your shop and safe-
ty will become second-nature to you.
1. Ensure that the machine is firmly secured
to a bench or table before use.
2. Always be aware of the condition of the
wood you are planing. Pay particular atten-
tion to knots, splits, and other potential
areas where the grain may be getting
ready to separate.
3. Perform machine inspection and mainte-
nance services regularly as described in
Section 7: Maintenance.
4. Make sure the planer knives are sharp,
balanced, and set correctly and securely.
Operate planer only with both knives in the
5. DO NOT plane any man-made composites
such as plywood, hardboard, particle
board, fiber board, flake board, fiberglass
and/or any other material other than solid,
natural wood fiber.
G0505 12
2" Lean & Mean Portable Planer