
© May 2003 Grizzly International, Inc.525503622
cut, turn the second board back over and check the fit of the joint. The two halves of the joint should fit tightly
with no spaces in the fingers, and with the two faces perfectly even.
If there is any mismatch, first make certain that the router height adjustment is locked securely – any variation
between cuts will result in a mis-matched joint. Also make sure when you move the piece through the cutter
that the face stays firmly seated on the router table. Check to see that the guide bearing has a good clean sur-
face along the edge to follow. Finally, if mismatch still persists check the wood to be sure the edges and face
are square.
When using bit on a router without a table:
A bearing is provided with the DC1367 router bit that allows it to be used without a router table. Use 2 clamps
and secure a straight board with a square edge onto the end of the workpiece. This will be used as a guide.
Use a square to make sure that this guide board is square to the workpiece. Make sure the workpiece is flush
to or protrudes from, the edge of the guide board a small amount- less than