Service Miscellaneous - 31
A - Booster Battery
B - Disabled Vehicle Battery
1. Connect positive (+) booster cable to booster battery (A) positive (+)
post (C).
2. Connect the other end of positive (+) booster cable to the disabled
vehicle battery (B) positive (+) post (D).
3. Connect negative (–) booster cable to booster battery negative (–) post
4. Connect the other end (F) of negative (–) booster cable to a metal part
of the disabled machine engine block away from battery.
5. Start the engine of the disabled machine and run machine for several
6. Carefully disconnect the booster cables in the exact reverse order:
negative cable first and then the positive cable.
Replacing Fuse
The electric start circuit is protected by one 20 Amp fuse.
1. Locate electric start fuse holder under console on right side of machine.
• Open fuse holder (A) and remove socket with fuse.
• Check metal clip in fuse window. Discard fuse if clip is broken.
• Install new 20 Amp fuse in socket.
• Install socket with fuse in cover. Ensure that plastic tab of fuse holder is
securely fastened to fuse socket.
Service Miscellaneous
Using Proper Fuel
Use regular grade unleaded fuel with an octane rating of 87 octane or
higher. Fuel blends containing up to 10% ethanol or up to 15% MTBE
reformulated fuel are acceptable. Do not use fuel or additives containing
methanol as engine damage can occur.
Always use fresh, clean fuel that is purchased in a quantity that can be
used within approximately 30 days, or add fuel stabilizer.
Fuel is blended to give best seasonal performance. To avoid engine
performance problems such as hard starting or vapor lock, use in-season
fuel. Use fuel during warm weather that was purchased during that
season, and use fuel during cold weather that was purchased during that
Fuel can become stale in machines with engines that are used seasonally
or infrequently during a season. Stale fuel can produce varnish and plug
carburetor components which can affect engine performance.
Keep fuel storage container tightly covered and in a cool area out of direct
sunlight. Fuel can break down and degrade if not sealed properly or
exposed to sun and heat.
Condensation may collect in the fuel tank because of a variety of
operating or environmental conditions and, over time, may affect your
machine’s operation. Fill fuel tank at the end of daily use and store fuel in
plastic containers to reduce condensation.
For best year-round performance and fuel-handling, add stabilizer to fuel
immediately after fuel purchase. Such practice helps prevent engine
performance problems and allows fuel storage in the machine all year
without draining.
Filling Fuel Tank
IMPORTANT: Avoid Damage! Electric charge from booster battery
can damage machine components. Do not install negative
booster cable to machine frame. Install only to the engine block.
Install negative booster cable away from moving parts in the
engine compartment, such as belts and fan blades.
IMPORTANT: Avoid Damage! Help prevent machine circuit
damage. Make sure replacement fuse is the correct size.
CAUTION: Avoid injury! Fuel vapors are explosive and
• Shut engine off before filling fuel tank.
• Do not smoke while handling fuel.
• Keep fuel away from flames or sparks.
• Fill fuel tank outdoors or in well ventilated area.
• Clean up spilled fuel immediately.
• Use clean approved non-metal container to prevent
static electric discharge.
• Use clean approved plastic funnel without screen or
filter to prevent static electric discharge.