nüvifone A50 Quick Start Manual 13
have discomfort while or after using the
device, stop using it and see a physician.
Avoiding Seizures, Blackouts
and Eyestrain
A very small percentage of people can
experience seizures or blackouts caused
by light ashes or patterns, such as while
watching videos or playing games. If you
have experienced or have a family history
of seizures or blackouts, consult a physician
before playing games or watching videos
on your device.
Avoid prolonged use and take frequent
breaks from using the device. Hold the
device away from your eyes. Use the
device in a well‑lit room. If you experience
convulsions, eye or muscle twitching, loss
of awareness, involuntary movement or
disorientation, stop using the device and
consult a physician.
Notice to Customers in the
European Union
Use of 2.4 GHz Wi‑Fi transmitters is
currently restricted in certain European
countries due to specic radio frequency
legislation. You must check the local
regulations in all European countries in
which you intend to use the Wi‑Fi radio to
ensure the legality of use. You accept full
responsibility for complying with all such
laws and regulations applicable in your
particular country of operation.
The following countries have restrictions
on certain uses of 2.4 GHz Wi‑Fi products:
France: This product may be used indoors
on any available Wi‑Fi channel (channels
1–11). If used outdoors, however, the usage
must be limited to the channels operating
between 2400 MHz and 2454 MHz
(channels 1–7).
: This product may be used indoors
on any available Wi‑Fi channel (channels
1–11). However, Italy requires general
authorisation for outdoor use of this
product if used outside the boundaries of
the owner’s property.
Latvia: This product may be used indoors
on any available Wi‑Fi channel (channels
1–11). However, Latvia requires a licence
for outdoor use of this product.