12 308981
Read Pressure Relief Procedure on page 10, and relieve the pressure before you check or service
the equipment. Check all possible problems and causes before disassembling the pump.
Pump will not cycle, or cycles once
and stops.
Air valve is stuck or dirty. Use filtered air.
Pump cycles at stall or fails to hold
pressure at stall.
Leaky check valves or o-rings. Replace.
Worn check balls or duckbill valves
or guides.
Check ball wedged in guide. Repair or replace.
Worn diaphragm shaft seals. Replace.
Pump operates erratically. Clogged suction line. Inspect; clear.
Sticky or leaking check valve balls. Clean or replace.
Diaphragm ruptured. Replace.
Air bubbles in fluid. Suction line is loose. Tighten.
Diaphragm ruptured. Replace.
Loose manifolds or damaged man-
ifold o-rings.
Tighten manifold bolts or nuts; re-
place o-rings.
Loose fluid side diaphragm plates. Tighten.
Fluid in exhaust air. Diaphragm ruptured. Replace.
Loose fluid side diaphragm plates. Tighten.
Worn diaphragm shaft seals. Replace.
Pump exhausts air from clamps
(metal pumps).
Loose clamps. Tighten clamp nuts.
Air valve o-ring is damaged. Inspect; replace.
Pump leaks fluid from check valves. Worn or damaged check valve
Inspect; replace.