Diagram 12:
Non-reciprocal responses of
the MF band (+/-15dB,Q0.5)
Once found, the B/C control can be backed off to provide the
desired degree of cut or boost and the Q setting adjusted by ear.
Initially, it helps to bypass the other equalizer sections so that you
can work on each equalizer independently.
When the equalizer sections have been set independently, they
can be switched in simultaneously with the MASTER switch and
further adjustments made if required. The OUT control can be
used to restore any level change caused by intensive EQ cutting
or boosting. Where more subtle treatments are required, the
URE’s exploitation of psychoacoustic principles enables it to
significantly improve the focus, tonal balance and general clarity
of detail within a mix, with the bare minimum of processing.This
is particularly important when a client wants to improve the
sound of a mix but doesn’t want to make any significant change
to the overall tonal balance.Even filter boost/cut settings of half a
dB can bring about significant changes in the perceived quality of
the mix being treated.
Each filter band has an individual hard-bypass switch. It makes
comparison between processed and unprocessed signal easy
without having to reset the B/C control as with conventional EQ
The QURE ON switch activates the new QURE tube and coil
circuitry which is especially designed to clarify vocals and
increase their presence while at the same time the dimensionality
of the mix is improved.
Another interesting application is to combat digital harshness.
The QURE circuitry creates a ‘sonic blur’ which softens harsh and
edgy sounds and reduces ear fatigue.