
Secondary retention devices are not a
substitute for correct quick-release
adjustment. Failure to properly adjust the
quick-release mechanism can cause the
wheel to wobble or disengage, which could
cause you to lose control and fall, which may
result in serious injury.
6.4 Brakes
For most effective braking, always apply both
brakes simultaneously.
Sudden or excessive application of the front
brake may pitch the rider over the handlebar,
which may cause serious injury.
How brakes work
It’s important to your safety that you
instinctively know which brake lever controls
which brake on your bike. The braking action
of a bicycle is a function of the friction
between the brake surfaces - the brake
shoes and the wheel rim. To make sure that
you have maximum friction available, keep
your wheel rims and brake shoes clean and
free of lubricants, waxes or polishes.
Brakes are designed to control your speed,
not just to stop the bike. Try, as much as
possible, to get used to the (strong) braking
performance during your first ride.
Braking and traction forces change
dramatically when riding on loose surfaces or
in wet weather. Tyre adhesion is reduced, so
the wheels have less cornering and braking
traction and can lock up with less brake
force. Moisture or dirt on the brake shoes can
reduce their ability to slow and stop the
wheel effectively. Riding more slowly will help
you control the bicycle in wet or rough
6.5 Gear changing
Lafree Twist is equipped with internal rear
gear hub. The gear changing mechanism on
your bicycle consists of a grip shifter on the
handle bar and an internal gear hub.
6.5.1 What the gears are for
Lafree Twist’s gearing is a simple yet effective
way to help you fine tune your pedal
revolutions, also known as cadence. Twist’s
gearing is designed for rolling, moderately
steep terrain.
Select a gear that is easy to pedal; never
push hard on the pedals if there is an easier
gear available.
You will find that pedalling with a faster action
is more comfortable though most riders will
need to practise this. Pushing hard will not
make you fitter. The optimum pedalling speed
is between 60 and 90 pedal revolutions per
Lafree Twist’s electric power assists your
cadence by giving you a boost when you are
pedalling. However, you should still use the
gears to get the most performance from your
legs and motor assist. Pedalling in a harder
gear will cause the torque sensor to use more
energy which can drain the available energy
stores more quickly.
6.5.2 Shifting gears
Pedal along easily without putting pressure
on the pedals. However, with gear hubs it is
possible to shift while freewheeling or
standing still.
The numbers on the shifter indicate the
degree of pedal resistance: lower numbers
mean less resistance at higher pedalling rate
(easier pedalling); higher numbers mean more
resistance at lower pedalling rate(harder
To facilitate smooth gear shifts, always shift
gears before you are on a hill. Whenever
shifting gears, shift early, before pedal
pressure becomes harder. Failure to utilise
this technique could cause damage to the
drive chain and gear mechanism.