Copyright ©2001 Liberty Group
Service & Repair Manual
STEP 1 – Degrease & Pre-Scrub:
▼ All reusable non-wearing parts, both plastic and metal, should first be
soaked and washed in a solution of 1 quart warm (100º F) water
mixed with 3-4 tablespoons of household dish soap (Dawn
or Joy
recommended). This will loosen and help to remove salt deposits and
grime from plastic parts, and remove excessive residues of lubricant
grease and grime from metal parts. This step will also extend the life of
the acid bath solution by reducing the amount of contamination that
occurs during cleaning.
▼ A nylon brush can be used to scrub stubborn deposits of grime and salt
– especially for threaded metal parts and plastic parts.
CAUTION: DO NOT use a steel wire brush. Doing so can damage plat-
ing, threads, plastic parts, and sealing surfaces.
STEP 2 – Fresh Water Rinse:
▼ After completing Step 1, it is important to rinse all parts in fresh tap
water to remove any soap residue, in order to prevent contamination of
the acid bath solution.
▼ Step 2 completes the cleaning of all plastic parts.
STEP 3 – Ultrasonic Acid Bath:
CAUTION: It is important to carefully read and understand the Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for any cleaning solution before using it, in
order to be aware of the possible hazards associated with its use, and the
necessary precautions that must be followed to avoid them.
▼ Genesis Scuba recommends Lawrence Factor Wash (LFW™) to be used
exclusively for the acid bath cleaning of all non-wearing metal parts.
LFW can be used in concentrated form, or can be diluted with up to
seven parts distilled water to extend the life of the solution.
▼ For best results, LFW can be warmed to a temperature of approxi-
mately 120º F. Follow the directions provided on the label.
▼ For best results, soak parts in an ultrasonic cleaner for 5 to 15 minutes
(depending on the strength of the solution), unless the finish is chipped
or scratched. Parts with damage to their finish should be cleaned
separately outside the ultrasonic cleaner to avoid agitation.
▼ Be certain to isolate more delicate parts, such as orifice cones, to
prevent metal on metal contact with other parts or the dip basket that
can cause damage to sealing surfaces.
▼ Use a timer to control the cleaning time, and do not leave parts
unattended while they are inside the acid bath.