The Extender for HDMI Long Range receiver has adjustment settings that may
need to be made before an optimal video quality is achieved. The available
adjustment options are listed below.
Distance Control
The Dip Switches related to distance control will allow the user to set the proper
signal output for the length of CAT-5 cable used with the Extender for HDMI Long
Range system. Please use the table below to set the proper setting:
Cable Length
Dip Switch Setting
Dip Switch 1 Dip Switch 2
0 - 165 Feet OFF OFF
166 - 330 Feet ON OFF
331 - 495 Feet OFF ON
496 - 820 Feet ON ON
NOTE: These length settings are guidelines. Actual settings may vary depending on
the quality of cabling used. If there is no image after using the recommended settings
above, please try the setting listed either below or above the one currently being
The equalization Trim Pot will eliminate video noise that may be present in the video
signal. Follow the steps below to adjust the equalization:
1. Locate the equalization Trim Pot on the front panel of the receiver and insert
a small adjustment tool, such as a small fl at headed screwdriver, into the
2. Turn the Trim Pot in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction until
the video noise is eliminated.
3. Remover the adjustment tool.
Gain (Brightness)
The gain Trim Pot will control the brightness level of the video signal. Follow the
steps below to adjust the gain:
4. Locate the gain Trim Pot on the front panel of the receiver and insert a small
adjustment tool, such as a small fl at headed screwdriver, into the hole.
5. Turn the Trim Pot in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction until
the desired brightness is achieved.
6. Remover the adjustment tool.