Outdoor Cooking (enters
the Grill
Do not attempt to
light tile grill if tile odor of gas is present.
CAUTION: Keep hands and thce as t_u"away
from tile grill as possible when lighting.
• Open tile lid and remove tile side cooktop
b/irller cover.
• Turn all knobs to "OFF" position,
• Turn gas supply on at the LP tank or shut-off
NOTE: When lighting the burner fi)r the first
time (11"after a LP tank change, allow up to 20
seconds to purge air fl'om tile lines.
• Push and turn control knob to "LITE"
position, immediately turn the rotai y igniter
knob next to tile burner knob.
NOTE: Tile spark will produce a snapping
sound. This is normal.
• If tile burner does not light within 4 seconds,
turn knobs to "OFF" and wait 5 minutes t()r
tile gas to dissipate beti)re trying again.
• If tile burner does not light after several
attempts, tile burner can be lit with a match.
• A match stick extension rod is provided on
SOllle Illodels.
• Insert a match stick DO NOT LIGHT)
securely into tile clip end of tile match stick
extension rod,
• Light tile match stick held on tile end of tile
rod and hold against a burner port towards
the fl'ont,
• Push and turn tile corresponding control
knob to tile LITE position.
• If tile burner does not light after 4 seconds,
turn tile knob OFF. Wait 5 lninutes for any
accumulated gas to dissipate befl)re trying to
light tile burner again.
• All burners may be match lit in tile same
• If tile match light extension rod is not
provided with your model, refer to tile
(hvners Manual ti)r lighting instructions.