User Manual
Macros screen ( Actions | Macros )
You can program 32 macros per dome. Macros are any preset tour or programmed routine. Each macro can
contain up to 16 steps. The step, type, and type number options will appear on all macro programming screens.
The step type determines what additional options are available for programming.
Program page (Actions|Macros|Program)
Figure 36. Program page ( Actions |Macros | Program )
Note: Remember to select OK to save any changes you make on the page.
No. The No. drop-down box allows you to select the macro number that you want
to program.
Title The Title box shows you the existing title for the selected macro number. You
can customize the default title on the Display page.
Macro list
(step, type, no., speed,
zoom, and duration)
The macro list shows the defined steps for the macro in sequential order. You
can use the drop-down boxes and buttons located below the summary to add
(append), delete (remove), move up, or move down individual steps.
Step (number) The Step box selects the step number you want to program.
Type The Type box selects the action for the selected step. It determines what
additional options appear (are available) for programming.
Choices are Preset (default), Tour, Macro, Relay, and Jump (jumps to a prior
Type #
(e.g., preset number)
The Type # option selects which of the group (for example, presets) is to be
assigned to the step. The type number changes its name depending on the type
selected under Type (Preset, Tour, Macro, Relay, or Jump).
# Repeats (with Jump) The # Repeats option allows you to repeat a jump step up to 49 times.