Advance Planning
Equivalent Quantity Total
Duct Piece Length* Used Length
10" round
to 8" round 5 ft.
Round, 1 ft.
straight (per foot length)
90° elbow 8" Dia. 52 ft.
10" Dia. 24 ft.
45° elbow 8" Dia. 31 ft.
10" Dia. 14 ft.
Round 8" Dia. 99 ft.
wall cap 10" Dia. 41 ft.
with damper
Round 8" Dia. 136 ft.
roof cap 10" Dia. 56 ft.
Use this chart to compute maximum
permissable lengths for duct runs to
For best results, use 10" diameter duct.
Do not exceed maximum permissable
equivalent lengths!
Maximum recommended duct
length for these hoods: 150 feet
Flexible ducting:
If flexible metal ducting is used, all
the equivalent feet values in the table
should be doubled. The flexible
metal duct should be straight and
smooth and extended as much as
Do NOT use flexible plastic ducting.
Total Duct Run
Any home ventilation system, such as a
ventilation hood, may interrupt the proper flow of
combustion air and exhaust required by fireplaces,
gas furnaces, gas water heaters and other naturally
vented systems. To minimize the chance of interruption
of such naturally vented systems, follow the heating
equipment manufacturer’s guidelines and safety
standards such as those published by NFPA and ASHRAE.
*Actual length of straight duct plus duct
fitting equivalent. Equivalent length of duct
pieces are based on actual tests conducted
by GE Evaluation Engineering and reflect
requirements for good venting performance
with any ventilation hood.
Hoods Are Equipped
For 10" Round Duct
*Hoods are supplied with a 10"
round transition. A locally
supplied transition is required
for other sizes.
Outlet on top of hood is
8-1/8" x 8".