Advantium Quick Start
Advantium Oven
Set the
@@ @@ @
When vou first plug in the oven or after
a power outage:
1. Turn the selector dial to set
the hour. Press the dial to enter.
2. Turn the dial to set the minute.
Press the dial to enter.
3. Turn the dial to select AM or PM.
Press the dial to enter.
To change the time:
1. Press the OPTIONS pad.
2. Turn the dial to SET CI,OCK,
Press the dial to enter and tollow
the display directions to set.
with Express
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Press EXPRESS repeatedl)fin 30-second
illci'elllelltS of ii/ici'owa'_e cooking tillle.
The oxen starts immediately.
T/u turntable itmsl alwa3s be
in place it,lzell usin_ ltzeoven.
Tln, clear glass tray should
alit,gO_ be in pla#_ _t,tz_t_
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Step 1:
Press the SPEEDCOOK pad.
Step 2:
Tm'n the dial to FOOD MENU. Press the
dial to enter,
Step 3:
Turn the dial to select the t)])e of food
categor) )ou want. Press the dial to
enter it.
Step 4:
Turn the dial to select the specific food.
Press the dial to enter it.
Step 5:
Turn the dial to select the amount, size,
and/or doneness (if required, the oven
will prompt you). Press the dial after
each selection,
Step 6:
Once the displa) shows AD/UST TIME
01¢ $7_4/¢7_ either press the dial or start
pad to start cooking.
• Press CLI?_.R/OFF at any time to
stop cooking.
Ttle turntable must alwa) sbe
in ]Aaa u,het* u_ing ttu ov#n.
Put/hod dM,cll3 on lhe
non-sticl: metal trrO,to
spee& ook.