Installation Instructions
All models have 4-point leveling. The front is
supported by leveling legs, the rear is supported by
a_!justable wheels. Both are accessible fl'om the fl'ont
of the refl'igerator.
• To level the back of the refl'igerator, tm'n the
7/16" hex nut located above the front wheels. Turn
clockwise to raise or counterclockwise to lower the
refl'igera tin,
• For fl'ont leveling, use a 1-1/4" open-end wrench.
• At!just height of refl'igerator to match installation
cutout opening 83-1/2 to 84-1/2". The refl'igerator
should be level and plmnb with cabinetry.
The rear leveling wheels and fl'ont leveling legs are
limited to a maximmn height a_!justment of l ". If the
installation requires more than 84-1/2" height, the
installer should elew_te the refl'igerator on a sheet of
plywood or rtmne_. Cal)inetrv trim could also be
added across the top of the opening to shorten the
opening. If you attempt to raise the refrigerator
more thm_ 1", you will damage the front leveling legs
mid the rear leveling wheels.
I,es roues de nivellement arri&re et les pattes de
nivellement a\_mt permettent un r_glage maximal
de 25 mm (l po). Si l'ouverture pore" le rg_fl'ig_rateur
a tree hauteur supg_riem'e fi 2,15 m (84-1/2 po),
l'installateur doit _lever le r_fl'ig_rateur sin" tree
teuille de contre-i)laqu_ ou des glissi&res. 11est
_galement possible d'ajouter des baguettes de
finition des placards sur le haut de l'ouvertm'e afin
de la r_duire, i,ever le r_fl'ig_ratem" de plus de
25 mm (l po) endommage les pattes de nivellement
avant et les roues de nivellement artiste.
X4henexer possible, perfl_m_ this step for anti-tip
secm'ity, or when anti-tip brackets cannot be used.
The refrigerator must be secured to prevent tipping.
• Raise the grille panel to access case trim.
• Drill hole in trim and drive screw through the trim
into ac!jacent cabinet.
• Follow the same procedm'e on the opposite side.
ThroughCaseTrimand Into