l-kwwto LoadYew’washer
~Add measured amount of
detergent according to load size,
amount of soil and water level. See
pages 9 through 11 for detailed
information on types and amounts
of detergent.
~ Load clothes loosely. Dry clothes
level should be below bottom of
wash tub rim. Do not put clothes
on top of the agitator or wind them
around it. For best results, mix
iarge items with small ones. When
washing a single heavy item, such
as a shag rug or bedspread, add
one or two other pieces to balance
the load. Large items should be no
more than one-half of the total load.
~ Ciean iint fiiter. Be sure fiiter is
cieaned before washing every
ioad. See page 21.
~ See page 13for instructions cm
how to use bieach, fabric softeners
and other iaundry products.
* Ciose lid. Washer will fiil and
agitate but wiii not spin with iid
open. This washer has a Safety Lid
Lock. As a safety measure the iid
wiii be automatically iocked during
the spin portion of each cycie. The
iid wiii automatically uniock about
30 seconds after the end of the
spin cycie. To open iid during spin
cycie, push Cycie Seiector iN and
wait for iid iock to reiease, about
30 seconds, before opening.
i% your personal safety, never
reach into washer while parts are
moving. Aiways stop washer to
ioad, unioad, add forgotten items
or additional iaundry aids.
setthe Ccmtrds
See the Controis Setting Guide
❑ Seiect Water Levei
SMALL: Washer is iess than % fuii
of ciothes.
MEDIUM: Between % and 2Afuli.
LARGE: Over % fuii of ciothes.
❑ Seiect Wash/Rinse Temperature
Coid rinse wiii be automatically
provided with aii cycies.
❑ Push Cycle Selector in and turn
ciockwise to your seiected wash
❑ Puli Cycie Seiector out to start
the cycie. if you wish to change
cycie setting after washer has
started, push Cycie Seiector in
and wait for washer to stop. Then
reset to the new position. Setting
can be changed at any time during
the cycle.
Ckmtrds settingGuide
Some adjustments to these recommendations may be desirabie depending on your particular washing conditions.
Cottons & Linens
Permanent Press
Polyester Knits
Synthetics & B!encls
Work clothes, Work clothes,
Fabric dungarees, etc. dungarees, etc.
White or Bright
Normal or Heavy or
Normal or
with heavysoil with normai soil
Colorfast Colors Oily Soil
Light Soil
Oily Soil
Light Soil
Washll?inse Hot/Cold or HotlCold or
Warm/Cold Warm/Cold
Warm/Cold Warm/Cold
Cycle Regular Regular
Regular Regular F’erm. Press
Perm. Press Delicate
Cycle Selector
15 15
10 12
8 Start
HCw ‘toScmkinYourwasher
agitate, push in the Cycie Seiector
switch. Add detergent or soak
to stop washe~ Aiiow to soak for
agent. Turn Cycie Seiector to as iong as desired. After desired
desired cycie. Start the washe~
soak, turn to the iast Spin. Puii
After washer fiiis and begins to
out the Cycle Seiector to compiete
the cycie.