save and refer to Garment Manufacturer’s (Mm+ lnstructiOns
3. Some wrinkles may remain, these wrinkles cannot be
*NOTE If you follow good laundryproceduresand PermanentPress clothes still come out wrinkled, the finish maynot be good
quality. Also, in permanent press synthetic/cotton blends, the cotton portion of the fabric can eventually wear away
leaving only the synthetic. Since the cotton has resin finish
that impartsthe memory,a lossor decreaseof permanent
press performance will result.
1. Insufficient detergent.
1. You may need to increase the amount of detergent
used, if the load is larger than normal, if soil is heavier
than average(especially oily soil) if water level is high,
if water hardness is above average.
2. Water is not hot enough for type of load.
2. Make sure water heater is set to deliver hot water at
the washer 140°-1500F(60°-660C). Do not do washing
when other hot water needs—such as dishwashing or
family baths—are heavy.
3. Use of inferior or poor detergent.
3. (a) Follow these steps:
~ Use water conditioner, (such as Calgon brand)
~ Pre-treatstains.
e Use hottest water possible.
e Use bleach where possible.
e Use pre-soak aids.
@InstalI water softener.
(b) Change detergent. Use phosphate detergent, if
4. Overloaded washer. Clothes cannot move freely to
4. Follow correct loading procedures for size of load.
loosen and remove soil, causing gray appearance.
5. Improper soaking, with insufficient detergent.
5. Usually a 30 min. soak is sufficient. However,when
using extended soaks for heavily soiled garments,
may need to use twice the recommended amount
of detergent.
6. Use of soap in hard water.
6. Switch to a phosphate detergent or see (3)(a)above.
7. Washing too long may result in increased soil
7. Use shorter wash time for smaller loads.
8. Detergent dissolves too slowly.
& R is important that detergent be present in the wash
solution at the start of wash agitation. See Page9.
l-o coRREcm
Most grayed clothes can beat least partially restored
by one of the following procedures:
a) Add a non-precipitating type of water softener such
as Calgon brand with phosphate—Use 2% times as
much as you needfor normal water softening,
b) Do not add soap or detergent.
c) Put clothes in washer.
d) Fill with HOT water. Check manufacturers’ hang tags
to determine if hot water is suitable for garment.
e)Allow clothes to go through complete cycle,
9Repeat, if necessary.
g) If you prefer to soak clothes, use the water softener
in place of soak agent or pre-wash detergent and allow
clothes to soak for about 20 minutes.