Stain removalguide
(Chewing Gum, etc.)
Chocolate, Cream,
Ice Cream and Milk
and Tea
Cosmetics: Eye Shadow,
Lipstick, Mascara, Liquid
or Pancake Makeup, Rouge,
Powder; Crayon; Grease,
Oil, Tar, Cod Liver Oil.
Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juices,
Wine, Vegetables, or Food
Grass, Foliage, Flowers,
Mildew, Scorch
Paint and %rnish
and Bleachable Fabrics
%eControlSettingGuide, Bleachon I%ge7
Rub with ice or immerse in very cold water. Use dull too!to
carefiily scmpe o~as much adhesive or gum aspossible.
with a safe dry cleaning fluid,* then launder.
Apply undiluted liquid detergent. Rinse. If stain remains, bleach
according to Stain Removal Hint on
Opposite page. If color has
changed, you may be able to restore it by sponging with
ammonia.= Rinse thoroughly.
Soak in cold water, then launder in warm water, If stain remains,
bleach according to Stain Removal Hint on opposite page, launder.
Soak in cold water. Treat stain with a safe dry cleaning fluid*;
Apply undiluted liquid detergent, launder, dry. Bleach according
to Stain Removal Hint on opposite page, launder and dry.
Without cream: Bleach according to Stain Removal Hint on
opposite page. Launder. With cream; Follow guide directions for
Treat stain with safe dry cleaning fluid.* Apply undiluted liquid
detergent; launder and dry. Bleach according to Stain Removal
Hint on opposite page.
Soak stain in cool water. If stain remains, bleach according to Stain
Removal Hint on opposite page, launder.
Apply undiluted liquid detergent. Launder. (Treat mildew spots
while they are ffesh, before mold has a chance to weaken fhbric.) If
either type stain remains, bleach according to Stain Removal Hint
on opposite page, launder. (Severe scorch cannot be removed.)
Fresh stains: Place stain thee down on an absorbent towel and
sponge with dry cleaning fluid? or use spray cleaner. Apply
undiluted liquid detergent. Old stains; bleach according to Stain
Removal Hint on opposite page.
Soften with oil, lard or Vaseline, then sponge with turpentine or
banana oil. Launder in warm water.
Apply undiluted liquid detergent and launder in warm water. If
color has changed you may be able to restore it by treating with
ammonia or vinegar.- If any stain remains, treat with safkdry
cleaning fluid* or bleach according to Stain Removal Hint on
opposite page, launder and dry.
Apply rust remover,- using manui%cturer’sdirections. Rinse and
Wuhable Fabrics
Same as white and bleachable fabrics.
Same as white and bleachable fhbrics
except use non-chlorine bleach.
Sponge or soak in cool water, then launder.
Soakin cold water. Sponge with a safe dry
cleaning fluid.* Apply undiluted liquid
detergent. Launder in warm water.
Sponge with warm water. If stain remains,
apply warm glycerine, let stand 30 minutes
and rinse well, or sponge with a safe dry
cleaning fluid.* Launder.
Sponge with a safe dry cleaning fluid?
Then launder in warm detergent water.
Sponge with warm water. Bleach remaining
stain with non-chlorine bleach.
Sponge with warm water. Apply undiluted
liquid dete~ent. Bleach remaining stain
with non-chlorine bleach, then launder.
Old mildew stains can seldom be removed.
Scorch can seldom be removed.
Same as white and bleachable i%bncs
except launder using non-chlorine bleach.
Same as white and bleachable ihbrics.
Launder in warm water. Rinse well. Bleach
with non-chlorine bleach.
Same as white and bleachable fibrics.
Waution:Becausecleaningfluidstendtobetoxic,besumyouarc in awellventilated roomwhen using them. No cleaningfluid shouldbeusedunlessuseris
thiliar withthelimitationsandrequiredcautions(usuallyprintedonlabel).
Use extremecaution with flammablecompounds.
containingflammable materials (waxes,cleaningfluids, etc.) be washed inwasher.
#~ not* Chlofi bl~h with ~fi or aci~ such ~ v~~ @/or mst ~m~r.
M~g~ p~~ amxic~ which ~ -USCd@l.
We and retkrto garment manuthctumrs’care labels.
—. .-. .