Howto load your washer
@Load clothes drj..
● Take a properl)’ sorted group of
clothes and drop them loose!~’ in
the wash baskei k this order:
Large Items—like sheets. Do not
wrap around the agi’mtor.
SmaH Items—1ike washcloths.
hfiedium Size Items—1ike towels.
Here is a typical full load:
3 Double Sheets
6 Long Sleeve Shirts
3 Boxer Shorts
6 Standard Pillow Cases
5 T-shirts
4 Pair Trousers
6 Handkerchiefs
This illustration, v’ith clothes just
reaching the Clothes Retaining
Ring. shows a proper load. Clothes
have ample room to move because
they are not
packed ciowri. nor
wrapped around the agitator.
Clothes are loaded dry since we~
items are ap[ to pack sown which
encourages ol’erlcxiing. Tfiis SiZC
ioac!requires a full water fiH.
What is the best size load of
clothes—kwge. medium. or
small? Save time, energ~ and
detergent by avoiding extra use of’
the washer. Try to wash a full load
of clothes. If you can it is better to
save clothes until you have a full
load. If you must W2shsmaller
loads. save water. energf and
detergent by adjusting the water
level for the size of the load. See
page 4.
Special recommendations ‘
for washing permanent press
if you do not have a dryer.
If you are machine-washing
Permanent Press clothes that you
plan to line dry or drip-dry, use
extra care to minimize wrinkling
in the wash process:
● Be carefhl not to overload
washer. Permanent Press clothes
must have ample room to move
freely. A Medium size Permanent
Press load is the largest that should
be washed.
. Use more water than you would
for a regular load. Use a Medium
Water Level for a Small Load; an
Extra Large Water Level for a
Medium Load.
● Remove clothes promptly as
soon as washer stops and hang
● To minimize wrinkling, use
Gentle WashKpin Speed.
add items after the washer has
● Turn off the washer.
● Careful]>’ remove the Filter-Flo
● Add any additional articles by
submerging next to the agitator.
● Replace the Filter-Flo pan and
resta”rtthe washer.
NOTE: Do not use the Filter-Flo
pan as a wash basket. Do not put
any items to be washed in the
Filter-Flo pan. Do not place
detergent packets in the Filter-Flo
NOTE: When washing stockings.
panty hose and other easil~ tangled
items, always handle separately. To
minimize tangling, we recommend ‘
the use of a net laundry bag.