How touse the Spotscrubber Cyclefor removing stains
removes stains and heavy
soil automatically
The SPO13CRUBBER Cycle uses
a high concentration of detergent
in about two gallons of water and
is designed to remove stains
automatically. Tworinses remove
the concentrated detergent solution.
Stain Removal Shortcut
Many stains that have not set into
the fabric can be automatically
removed in your washer’s
Step 1.Launderanystainedwashable
fabric with the SP07X’RUBBER
Cycle, using the hottest water the
fabric can stand and the
recommended amount of detergent.
Step 2. If the stain remains—and
if the stained article is white or
bleachable—wash it again with the
SPO?3CRUBBER Cycle, using
warm water and bleach (seepage
L?)plus the recommended amount
of detergent.
Chances are Step 1 will remove
the following stains:
● Fresh Blood
● Perspiration
● Cosmetics, Grease, Oil
● Chocolate, Cream, Ice Cream,
● Most Common Food Stains
Odds are good that Step 2 will
remove these stains:
● Grass, Foliage, Flowers
● Aged Blood
● Antiperspirants, Deodorants
● Coffee and Tea
● Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juices, Wine,
Food Coloring, Vegetables
If the stain remains after you
have tried both steps...
if the stain is caused by rust,
adhesives (chewing gum, etc.),
paint, varnish or tar...
ifthe itemistoo big tobe laundered
in the Mini-Basket tub...
follow the recommendations in the
Stain RemovalGuide on page 22.
How to use the
~pical SPOIXRUBBER Cycle
Wash Load
● 1average size tablecloth, or
● 3 shirts or blouses, or
● 1shirt and 1pair of slacks, or
● 1full size bedsheet, or
● 3-5 baby garments, or
● 5-6 undergarments
1. RemoveFilter-Flo pan.
2. Place Mini-Basket tub on
agitator. Pull the agitator toward
the front of the machine for easier
installation and removal of Mini-
Basket tub.
3. Put dete~ent in the bottom of the
Mini-Basket tub before loading the
clothes (about the same amount
you would use for a small load in
the regular wash basket. See page
18.)Do not use detergents with a
built-in fabric softener. If you do,
some soil may be redeposited on
the wash load. .
4. Load clothes in Mini-Basket
tub. See page 14for sorting help.
5. Replace the Filter-Flo pan. The
pan serves as a lid to keep the
clothes in the Mini-Basket tub.
6 Add fabric softener, if desired.
Position the Fabric Softener
Dispenser on the Filter-Flo pan,
and put 1teaspoon (5 ml) of
concentrated softener or 1
tablespoon (15ml) of diluted
softener into the dispenser.
7. Add Bleach, if desired.
Measure carefully and pour
recommended amount of liquid
bleach—1/4cup (60 ml) directly
into the bleach dispenser.
—Besure to add bleach before
starting the washer.
—Donot overfill or allow
dispenser to overflow. Avoid
splashing. Undiluted bleach can
cause fabric damage.
–Never pour undiluted liquid
bleach directly onto clothes or
into the Mini-Basket tub.