~Liquidchlorine type.
IOnlynon-chlorinebleach whenneeded.
Whiteor colorfast, liquid chlorinetype.
Noncolorfast, only non-chlorinebleach
Whiteor colorfast, liquid chlorinetype.
Noncolorfast, only non-chlorinebleach
Whiteor colorfast, liquidchlorine type.
Noncolorfast, only non-chlorinebleach
Seldomneeded. If needed, useonly
Vhiteor colorfast, liquid chlorine type.
~n]ynon-chlorine bleach whenneeded.
o bleach
o bleach
‘hitcor colorfast, ljquid chlorine type.
hitc or coloritist, Iiquid chlorine type.
hi[c or colorfast, liquid chlorine type.
If colorfast isunusuallysoiled, usehot water.Use maximumdetergent recommendedon
page 13.
Use maximumdetergentrecommendedinguideonpage 13.
Smallloadsreduce wrinkling.Use maximumdetergentrecommended inguideon page 13.
If unusuallysoiled, usehot water.Use maximumdetergent recommendedin guideon
page 13.Small loadsreduce wrirdding.
Washonly if recommendedby thegarment manufacturer. Followinstructions carefully.
Nashinyourwasher only if recommendedbythegarment manufacturer.
washfrequently to fluffup the downand retain the garment’s warmth. Washseparately, Wet
[owngives offan odor which maybe absorbed byother garments. Odor disappears when
;armentis dry. Treatheavily soiledareas with liquiddetergent or paste made ofwater and
;ranulardetergent. Closezippers. Wash2 or 3 at a time or add towelsto balance,
‘OUmayprefer touse a mild-type detergent. Do babyclothes separately. Pretreat spots.
!insediapers, nightgowns,pads and sheets after use. Keep diapers ina coveredpail of cold
water andconditioning agentlike Borateernbrand.
Youmayprefer to use a mild-typedetergent. Do hand-knit garments byhand,
Fill washer,add detergent, allow to dissolve beforeadding blanket. Do one blanket at a time.
Pretreat heavily soiled spots with liquiddetergent.
On electric blanket, sew a strong piece ofcloth over plug to protect blanket and washer from
damage. Do one blanket at a time, Pretreat heavilysoiled spots with liquid detergent.
V~cuumout loose dirt before washing.
Nashonly 2or 3 rugs or mats at one time. Shakebefore washing to remove excessdirt.
~ornew “indigo blue”jeans, washat least 3 times in very small loads with fill water fill.
Jeans need ample room to movetoavoidwhite lines at creases, Maydiscolor plastic washer
parts. Subsequent washingswill reduce discolorations, but will probably never eliminate it.
~ The stained parts will notdiscolor subsequent washingloads.
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N() blcoch
Pillows arc made of diffirent materials-dacron, fiber, foam, polyester, natural feathers and
~ down, NlanypiIlowscan be machine washed, but)nani~fi~ctlii-ers’carelabels rtll{st!]ejollowed
(.arc:/i~fl)!If washing is recommended, check pillowsfor weak seams or holes and mend to
preventescape of feathersor filling. Fill washer. add detergent and agitate for several minutes
‘, j
~ to dissolve dctcr:cnt. Add t~vopillowsat a time to balance loaci.Use a high water level.