‘ -“’ RefertoGarmentManufacturers’careLabels
special InstruetiolRs
Liquidchlorine type.
If colorfast is unusuallysoiled,use hot water. Use maximumdetergentrecommendedin
the Hard Water Guide.
Whiteor colorfast, liquidchlorinetype. Use maximumdetergentrecommendedin the Hard WaterGuide.
Noncolorfast, onlynon-chlorinebleach
White or colorfast, liquidchlorine type. Small loadsreduce wrinkling,Use maximum detergent recommendedinthe Detergent
Noncolorfast, only non-chlorinebleach Guide.
White or colorfast, liquidchlorinetype.
If unusually soiled, use hot water.Use maximumdetergent recommended inthe Detergent
Noncolorfast, only non-chlorinebleach
Guide. Small loads reduce wrinkling.
No bleach Washor?l))if recommended by the garment manufacturer.Followinstructions carefully.
‘Seldom needed, If needed, use only
Washinyour washer onlyif recommended by the garment manufacturer.
No bleach Washfrequentlyto fluff up the down and retain the garment’swarmth. Washseparately.Wet
downgives offan odor which may be absorbed by other garments. Odor disappears when
garment is dry.Treat heavilysoiled areas with liquid detergent or paste made of water and
granular detergent. Close zippers. Wash 2 or 3 at a time or add towels tobalance.
White or colorfast, liquidchlorine,type. Youmay prefer to use a mild type detergent. Dobaby clothes separately. Pretreat spots,
Rinse diapers, nightgowns,pads and sheets after use. Keep diapers ina covered pail of cold
water and conditioning agent like Borateem brand.
Onlynon-chlorinebleach when needed,
Youmayprefer to use a mildtype detergent. Dohand-knit garments by hand.
blC;lCh Fill washer,add detergent. allow to dissolve before addingblanket. Do oneblanketat a time.
Pretreat heavily soiled spots with liquid detergent.
No blctich On electric blanket,scw a strong piece ofcloth over plug to protect blanket andwasher from
damage. Do one blanket ai a time. Pretreat heavily soiled spots with liquiddetel:ent.
White or cr)iorfas(.li(Iliid~’hlorinc
u lCUIII1l(lLI[]oOSC
dirt hcforc washing.
Whi[c or colorfast.”lic]llidchlorine [ype.
Whitr or c{)lorlilst,Ii(]uidchlorine (ypc.
\~;lSholl]~ ~ (lr .; rL!gs or I1lll[s ~1[onc [iInc. Silake before washing [o remove cxcess dirt,
N() blc:lch
For ncw “in(ii:c)bllie’”.jcalls,wash at least 3 times in very small loads with full water fill.
~t~i)[~s need ample room (o moveto avoid white lines at creases. May discolor plastic wasllcr
i par[s. Subsc(]llen[~vashingswill redtlce discolorations, but will probably never eliminate it.
The st:~inedl)~]rts~villnotdiscolor sut~sequentwashing loads.