OPERATION Possible Causes What To Do
Washer won't operate Washer is unplugged • Hake surecord is plugged securely into aworking outlet,
Water supply is turned off • Turn both hot and coldfaucets fully on,
Controls are not set properly • Checkcontrols,
Lid is open--safetg feature • Closelid and resetcycle, to the beginning if necessary.
prevents agitation and
spinning when lid is up
Circuit breaker/fuse is • Check housecircuit breakers/fuses.Replacefusesor
tripped/blown reset breakeEWasher should have separate outlet.
Electronics need to be reset • Unplug washer,wait 2 minutes, plug back in and pressSTART.
STARTwas not pressed • PressSTART.
Lid magnet missing • Callfor service.
Time not shown Unit filling • This isnormal. Estimatedtime remaining is updated during
on display fill time.
Movement inside machine Shifting mechanism is • When the machine is manually turned off,the shifter will
when shut off disengaging the motor disengagethe motor beforecompletely shutting down.
If lid israised beforethe motor is disengaged,it will resume
when lid is closed.
PERFORMANCE Passible Causes What To Do
Clothes too wet Incorrect spin cycle • Hake sure the spin cycle selected matches the load you are
selected washing.Somefabricswillfeelwetterwhen rinsedwith coldwateE
Colored spots Incorrect use of fabric • Checkfabric softener package for instructions and follow
softener directionsfor using dispenseE
• Pretreat stain and rewash.
Dye transfer • Sort whites or lightly colored items from dark colors.
Grayed or yellowed Not enough detergent • Usemore detergent (especially with larger loads).
clothes Besureto follow detergent manufacturer's directions.
Hard water • Usea water conditioner like Calgon brand or install
a water softeneE
Water is not hot enough • Hake sure water heater is deliveringwater at
!20°F-140°F (48°C-60°C).
Washer is overloaded • Selectload sizeto match clothes load.
Detergent is not • Add detergent aswash basket fillswith water before
dissolving you load clothes.
Dye transfer • Sort clothes by coloEIffabric label states wash separately,
unstable dyes may be indicated.
Lint or residue on Clothes are air or line dried • If you do not dry your clothes with a clothes dryer,your
clothes clothes may retain more lint.
Incorrect sorting • Separate lint producers from lint collectors.
Washing too long • Wash small loadsfor a shorter time than larger loads.
Detergent not dissolving • Add detergent as wash basket fillswith water,before you
load clothes.
Try a liquid detergent.
Usewarmer water temperature.
Overloading • Load clothes no higher than the top row of holes in the
washer basket.
Hake sureload sizeselectedmatches clothes load size.
Checkfabric softener package for instructions
and follow directions for using dispenseE
Incorrect use of fabric
softener 9