About the control panel-for models with STARTbutton.
Step I
• Add detergent
• Add diluted fabric
softener (on models
with a fabric
softener dispenser)
Step 2
• Add clothes
• Select load size and
other wash options
• Select wash cgcle
Step 4
• Close lid
• Push START
Load Size
Looselgload clothesno higher than the top row of holesin the washer baskeL Thewater levelshouldjust cover
the clothes, Adjustthe load sizeaccordinglg,
Selectthe water temperature for the wash and rinsecgcles,Alwags follow fabric manufacturer's care label or
instructions when laundering.
PerfecTemp sensesthe incoming water temperature and adjusts the fillwater to obtain a more precise
temperature range for allwash temperatures, Forexample,in a COLDwash selection, somewarm water
mag be added to reacha temperature needed to better dissolvedetergents, Often,detergents are not
completelg dissolvedin verg cold water,especiallgin cooler climates,
During winter months, when the water entering gout home iscolder,or for locationswith verg coldwater gear
round, usethe PerfecTemp plus COLDto help dissolvepowdered detergents and to improve the cleaning of
gour clothes,
TheTAPCOLDfeature turns the PerfecTemp feature on gout washer off, and uses gout householdtap water
temperature for a COLDwash,Thiscan provideenergg savingsbg reducing the amount of hot water usedin
gour wash,
Autosoak Option (onsome models)
Thisoption beginswith a brief agitation, soaksfor a specified period of time, then moves through the rest of the
cgcle automaticallg, Onsome models,this option islocated on the Cgcle Selectorknob,
2nd Rinse Option (onsome models)
When gou useextra detergent or bleachto clean heavilg soiledclothes, gou mag want to usethe 2nd Rinse
option, It provides a second deep cold rinse,
Extended Spin Option (onsome models)
Usethis option to extract more water from gout clothes,Clotheswill be drier when this option isselected and will
drg more quicklg in gout drge_