If Ice Clumps Form in Storage Bin...
The icemaker ejects cubes in groups of eight, and it
If this happens:
is normal for several cubes to be joined together.
However, infrequent usage of ice can cause ice
● Remove storage bin from freezer compartment.
clumps to form in the storage bin, resulting in
● Break up ice clumps with fingertip pressure and
temporary malfunction of the dispenser mechanism.
discard remaining cubes melt and fuse together.
● Replace bin before remaining cubes melt and
fuse together.
To Remove Ice Cube Storage Bin
Lift the left corner to free the bin from the shelf,
and pull the bin straight out while supporting it at
front and back.
To Replace Ice Cube Storage Bin
Slide the bin back until the tab
If bin does not go all the way
on the bin locks into the slot in
back, remove it and rotate the
the shelf.
drive mechanism 1/4 turn. Then
push bin back again until the tab
on the bin locks into the slot in
the shelf.
Drive me
If Ice Is Not Used Frequently . . .
“Old” ice cubes will become cloudy and taste stale. Empty ice storage bin
periodically and wash it in lukewarm water. Be sure to allow storage bin to
cool before replacing
ice cubes will stick to the metal auger.
(continued next page)