p. 18
Related products No. Supplied Code No.
HiTrap IEX Selection Kit 7 x 1 ml 17-6002-33
HiTrap Desalting 5 x 5 ml 17-1408-01
HiTrap Desalting 100 x 5 ml* 11-0003-29
HiPrep 26/10 Desalting 1 x 53 ml 17-5087-01
HiPrep 26/10 Desalting 4 x 53 ml 17-5087-02
PD-10 Desalting column 30 17-0851-01
HiLoad 16/10 SP Sepharose High Performance 1 x 20 ml 17-1137-01
HiLoad 26/10 SP Sepharose High Performance 1 x 53 ml 17-1138-01
HiLoad 16/10 Q Sepharose High Performance 1 x 20 ml 17-1064-01
HiLoad 26/10 Q Sepharose High Performance 1 x 53 ml 17-1066-01
SP Sepharose High Performance 75 ml 17-1087-01
Q Sepharose High Performance 75 ml 17-1014-01
* Special pack size delivered on specific order.
Accessories No. Supplied Code No.
1/16” male/luer female* 2 18-1112-51
Tubing connector flangeless/M6 female* 2 18-1003-68
Tubing connector flangeless/M6 male* 2 18-1017-98
Union 1/16” female/M6 male* 6 18-1112-57
Union M6 female /1/16” male* 5 18-3858-01
Union luerlock female/M6 female 2 18-1027-12
HiTrap/HiPrep, 1/16” male connector for ÄKTAdesign 8 28-4010-81
Stop plug female, 1/16”
5 11-0004-64
Fingertight stop plug, 1/16”
5 11-0003-55
* One connector included in each HiTrap package.
† Two, five, or seven stop plugs female included in HiTrap packages depending on the product.
One fingertight stop plug is connected to the top of each HiTrap column at delivery.