
Device Modbus slave addressing considerations when using a Multinet or Modbus Bridge:
Modbus RTU devices configured with a Multilin Multinet are configured in the Ethernet Site.
Each device will have the same IP Address (that of the Multinet) and Modbus Port, but each
device on the same Multinet must have a unique Modbus address.
Ethernet Modbus TCP/IP parameters
Serial Site Only parameters:
Serial Port – Enter PC COM port used to communicate to device. Be aware that the number of
devices on the RS485 segment dictates the update performance. The more devices, the
slower the data updates.
Baud Rate – Enter Baud rate for the COM port selected. Baud rates for the COM port and all
devices on the COM port must match.
Parity, Bits, Stop Bits – Must match device and COM port settings for the COM port and all
devices on the COM port.
Note: Native modem support is not available with the current version of EnerVista PMCS 6.15.