For many foods, internal temperature is the best
test of doneness.
Temperature Probe
Roasts or poultry are cooked to your preference
The temperature probe is a food thermometer that
when temperature cooking. Heating or reheating
gauges the internal temperature of your food; it
foods accurately to a serving temperature you
must be usedwhen using TEMP COOK.
desire is simple and easy.
TEMP COOK takes the guesswork out of cooking
becausethe oven shuts off automatically when the
food is done,
How to TemperatureCookBasic
Step 1. Insert temperature probe
as directed in Cookbook and at-
tach probe securely in oven wall,
Close the door.
Step2. Turn Time/Tem~ Switch to
Step 3. Turn Variable Power Level
Control to 10 (HIGH),
Step4,TurnTemperatureSetto 170.
I($ .f~m
Step5. Push STAR7’butkn Inte=
rior light and fan come cm to tell
you oven is operating.
Step 6. When temperature is
reached, the oven will automati-
cally shut off. Remove probe and
food from the oven.
@ Usea lower power levelsetting;
it will heatmoreevenlyeventhough
requiring more time.
@ Be sure frozen
food has been
completely defrostedbefore insert-
ing probe. Probe may break off if
used in frozen foods.
@ Always insert probe into the
center of meaty areas; take care
not to touch the fat or the bone.
. Insert probe as horizontally as
possible into foods as directed in
the recipes, Make sure the handle
does not touch the food.
@ Use the clip to keep the probe
in place while heating,
. Cover *foods as directed in
Cookbook for moisturecontrol and
quick, even heating.
(2. Are there any foods I can’t
A. Yes,13cdicatebutter icings, ice
cream, frozen whipped toppings,
etc., soften rapidly at warm tem-
peratures+Gatters and doughs as
well as frozen foods are also diffi-
cult to cook precisely with the
probe, It is best to TIME CC)(3K
these foods.
CanI leavemyprobein the oven
if it’s not inserted in the food?
A. No, If the probe is left inside the
oven, touching the oven wall, and
not inserted in food, you may dama-
ge the oven.
Q. i-low do I know what tempera-
ture to set?
A, Your
Cookbookcontains sec-
tions on all types of foods showing
the temperatures needed to cook
the foods to different degrees
of doneness, For reheating, refer
to Reheating Charts in the front
of the Cookbook for specific
Q. Oven would
not start although
I dialedthe temperaturecorrectly.
A. If you have not securely seated
the end of the probe into the
receptacle in the oven wall, or if
you haveforgotten to usethe probe
or if the actual food temperature is
higher than set temperature, oven
will not start.
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