Defrosting Guide
Food Time Comments
Breads, Cakes
Bread, buns orroils (1 piece)
Sweet rolls (approx. 12 oz,
Fishand Seafood
Fillets, frozen(1 lb.)
Shellfish,small pieces (1 ]b-1
] rain.
3 to 5 rain.
_ to _ min.
5 to 7 rain. Place block m casserole. Turl_ over and
break up ,tiler half the time.
Plasticpoucb--I to2 3 to c, rain.
(]()-oz. package)
Bacon (1 lb. J
Franks (1 lb.)
Groundmeat (1 lb.
Steaks, chops and cutlets
Chicken, broiler-fryer
cut up (2½ to 3 lbs, )
Chicken, whole
q2½ to 3 lbs.
Turkey breast (4 to 6 lbs.)
_2to 5 rain.
2 to 5 rain.
5 to 7 rain.
12 to 16 rain.
per lb.
5 to 7 rain.
per lb.
15 to 19 rain.
17 to 21 rain.
7 to 13 rain.
per lb.
,5 to Umin.
per lb.
Place unopened package in oven.
I,et stand 5 minutes after deti'ostina.
Place unopened package in oven.
Microwave lust until ti'anks can be
separated. I,et stand 5 minutes.
if necessary, to complete deti'ostina.
Turn meat over aiier half the time.
Use power level 1.
Place unwrapped meat in cookina dish.
Turn over ;tiler half the time and shield
warm areas with tbil. YVhen finished
separate pieces and let stand to complete
Place wrapped chicken in dish. Unwrap
and turl_ over ;tiler half the time. YVhen
finished. _cparate pieces and microwave
_2-4 minutes more. if necessarv. Let stand
to finish detiostina.
Place wrapped chicken in dish. Atier half
the time. unwrap and turn chicken over,
Shield warm areas with tbil. Finish
deliostina./f necessarv, run cold water m
the cavity until aiblets can be removed.
Place unwrapped hen il_ the oven breast-
side-up, Turn over ,tiler half the time.
P,un cool water in the cavitx until aiblets
can |)e relltoved.
Place unwrapped breast in dish breast-
side-down. Atier half the time. turn over
and shield warm areas with tbil Finish
detiostina. I,et stand 1-2 hours in
rci)igerator to complete deiiostina.