Safety Information
Anti-tip Device ............ 3
SafetyPrecautions...... 3, 4
Oven .................... 5
SurfaceCookingUnits ...... 6
RadiantSurfaceUnits....... 7
Operating Instructions
UsingtheSurfaceUnits .. 8-10
UsingtheOven........ 11-21
UsingtheClockand timer.. 17
timed Baking& Roasting ... 18
OvenThermostat.......... 19
Self-CleaningOven..... 20,21
Care and Cleaning
ControlPanel& Knobs ..... 22
OvenLight.............. 24
CoilSurfaceUnits......... 25
BroilerPan& Grid ......... 26
RemovableStorageDrawer.. 26
Anti-tip Device ........... 27
GlassCooktop........... 28
ForService ........... 29-32
YouAre/Vow Part of theGEFamily.
Welcome to the GE f:amily.We're proud of our qualib7 products and we are
commiued to pro_4ding dependable se_a4ce.You'll see itin this eas?_tc-use Owner's
Manual and you'll hear it in tl_efiiendly voices of our customer sel_4ce depamnent.
Best of all, you'll experience these values each time you use your range. That's
important, because your new range will be part of your fmnily fbr ma W years.
And we hope you will be part of ours for a long time m come.
We thank you %r buying GE. We appreciate your purchase, and hope you will
continue to rely on us whenever you need qualipy appliances for your home.
GE& You,A Service Partnership.
Fill out the Consumer Product Registration Card.
Twoeasyways toregisteryourappliance!
• Through the internet at',_-_-_v.geappliances.com
• Complete and mail the enclosed Product Registration Card
Write themodel and serial numbershere:
You can find them on a label on the fi'ont of the range behind the
storage (kawer.
Staple sales slip or cancelled check here.
Proof of the odginal purchase date is needed to obtain sezvice under
the warranty.
Inside you _4ll find ma W helpfld hints on how to use and maintain
your range properly.Just a little preventive care on your part can save
you a great deal of time and money over the life ofyour range.
Customer Service
ProductRegistration ...... 33
Warranty............... 35
Numbers ........ BackCover
You'll find ma W answers to common problems in the Before YouCarl
ForService section. If you review our chart of TroubleshootingTips
first, you may not need to call fbr set_ice at all.
If you do need setYice, you can relax knowing help is only a phone
call a_ay. A list of toll-fi'ee customer service numbers is included in
the back section of this manual. Oryou can al_ays call the GE Answer
Center ®at 800.626.2000, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.