Possible Causes What ToDo
The oven temperature
is too high to set a
self-clean operation.
• Allow the oven to cool to room telnperamre and reset
the conu'ols.
Oven controls improperly set. • See the Using the self-cleaning ovensection.
"Crackling" or This is the sound of the * This is normal.
"popping" sound metal heating and cooling
during both the cooking
and cleaning functions.
Excessivesmoking Excessive soil. * Press the CLEAR/OFFpad. Open the windows to
rid the room of smoke. Wait until the LOCKEDDOOR
light goes ofL Wipe up the excess soil and reset the
clean cycle.
Oven door will not open Oven too hot. *Allow the oven to cool below locking teznperamre.
aftera clean cycle
Ovennot clean after a Oven controls not properly set. • See the Using the self-cleaning oven section.
clean cycle Oven was heavily soiled. • Clean up heaxy spillovers before starting the clean
cycle. Heavily soiled ovens may need to self:clean
again or fbr a longer period of time.
"fOCKOOOR"flashes The self-clean cycle has * Close the oven door.
in the display been selected but the door
is not closed.
LOCKEDDOORlight The oven door is locked * Press the CLEAR/OFFpad. Allow the oven to cool.
is on when you want because the temperature
to cook inside the oven has not
dropped below the
locking temperature.
"F-- anda number
in the display
You have a function
error code.
• Press the CLEAR/OFFpad. Allow die oven to cool for
one hour. Put the oven back into operation.
If the function code repeats. * Disconnect all power to the range for at least 30
seconds and then reconnect power. If the traction
error code repeats, call for service.
A fuse in your home may be
blown or the circuit
breaker tripped.
* Replace the fllse or reset tim circuit breaker.
The clock is in the
black-out mode.
* See the Special feaulres of your oven control section.