About the sensor microwave feature.
Steam 1
UsetheSteam featureto steamcertainpre-
programmedfoods. Forbestperformance,please
[] PresstheSteambutton.
[] Selectthefoodyouwishtosteam.
[] Placesteamer bowl with water, salt (if
necessary),and food inthe microwave
with the steam vents on the steamer bowl
in the OPENposition.
[] PressSTARTto begin cooking.
[] When prompted, open the door and CLOSE
the steam vents on the steamer bowl.
NOTE:Make sureto open the door and
closethe steam vents on the steamer
bowl when prompted. Ifthe START
button ispressed before opening the door,
the oven will displaythe "InsertFood"
[] Closethe door and pressSTART/PAUSEto
resume cooking.
First Choice Second Choice
1 - Rice 1 - 1cup white,
2 - i cup brown
2 - Asparagus 1 to 2 cups
3 - Broccoli 1to 2 cups
/4- Brussel Sprouts 1 to 2 cups
5 - Carrots 1 to 2 cups
6 - Cauliflower 1 to 2 cups
7 - Zucchini 1to 2 cups